onsdag 2 november 2011

Gambling Quotes

At the gambling table, there are no fathers and sons. Chinese Proverb

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math. Author Unknown

You know horses are smarter than people. You never heard of a horse going broke betting on people. Will Rogers

No dog can go as fast as the money you bet on him. Bud Flanagan

Horse racing is animated roulette. Roger Kahn

I bet on a horse at ten-to-one. It didn't come in until half-past five. Henny Youngman

One of the healthiest ways to gamble is with a spade and a package of garden seeds. Dan Bennett

A racehorse is an animal that can take several thousand people for a ride at the same time. Author Unknown

The better the gambler, the worse the man. Publius Syrus

A number of moralists condemn lotteries and refuse to see anything noble in the passion of the ordinary gambler. They judge gambling as some atheists judge religion, by its excesses. Charles Lamb, Essays of Elia, 1832

There is but one good throw upon the dice, which is, to throw them away. Author Unknown

Games of chance are traps to catch school boy novies and gaping country squires, who begin with a guinea and end with a mortgage. Author Unknown

Betting is the manure to which the enormous crop of horse-races and racehorse breeding in this and other countries is to a large extent due. Richard Blackmore, The Jockey Club and its Founders, 1891

Horse sense is a good judgment which keeps horses from betting on people. W.C. Fields

The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling. Ambrose Bierce

A weekend in Vegas without gambling and drinking is just like being a born-again Christian.
Artie Lange

Another great evil arising from this desire to be thought rich; or rather, from the desire not to be thought poor, is the destructive thing which has been honored by the name of "speculation"; but which ought to be called Gambling.
William Cobbett

But I also think that it does create a lot of revenue, but to me it's a temporary revenue stream because it's an industry that, if suddenly gambling started in Massachusetts, then a lot of our patrons who would gamble in New Hampshire if we had it, would disappear.
Craig Benson

But I used to have a bit of a gambling problem. And that would have been the answer to my prayers. It got worse when I started playing this character, too.
Fisher Stevens

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